Forty days,

Thursday, November 24, 2011

In a little over a month, I will begin a journey years in the making.  Last week everything finally began to come together and the reality set in.  I was accepted into the program at MCCSS, renewed my passport, applied for my Visa, finished all the necessary paperwork for internships and study abroad, bought my plane ticket (one way), found a subleaser for my Boone home, got all my vaccinations, organized a fund raising raffle, and became fast friends with my fellow intern, JB Hallan.  Everytime I accomplish something, it's just a reminder that this is really happening!  It seems so surreal thinking back to April when I first learned of MCCSS.  It was just an idea, seemingly far-fetched idea, but I kept telling everyone I know, "I'm going to India. I'm going."  I didn't want this to be just another crazy dream.  The more I said it, the more it became real, and there was no way I was going to back out and let everyone down.

There has been an infinite amount of love and support given to me that has made all of this possible.  I want to share with everyone my reasons for choosing this internship, the obstacles I faced, the passion I have for the cause, and ways for our communities to get involved on a global stage.  At the moment though I'm just in shock, letting the reality settle in, and thanking everyone again and again how much you all mean to me and the people of India I will be working with.

Anahata chakra symbolizes the consciousness of love, empathy, selflessness and devotion. On the psychic level, this center of force inspires the human being to love, be compassionate, altruistic, devoted and to accept the things that happen in a divine way.

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